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The Invivo Lab


In our research lab we experiment with new solutions that allow integrating natural ecology with the built environment. Our prototypes strive to use available resources to grow food, improve quality of life, and create micro ecologies available to the common household.

Let us know if you would like to visit our studio and learn more about our work.

Tree-Shaping Technology

Tree-Shaping Technology

We are developing our patented technology to produce trees which can be formed into custom shapes. We accomplish this by growing trees under aeroponic conditions, which create a long, non-lignified tap root. Click to learn more.

Extensive Vertical Garden

Extensive Vertical Garden

The residential fence garden is a prototype for a low-maintenance, urban-habitat-supporting system. We experiment with perennials and local plants and document their development over time.

The Mushroom Box

The Mushroom Box

Air Layering for Symbiotic Mushrooms A secondary root system is grown out of a sapling's trunk, into a purpose-built box using traditional air-layering techniques. The new roots can then be inoculated with a mycorrhiza without endangering the tree.

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